Stacey Williams
Stacey Williams is the proprietress of Jazz Cat Herder, LLC (JCH). Jazz Cat Herder’s primary focus is on artist management and the ongoing development of financial literacy and business acumen in new and established talent.
Jazz Cat Herder has taken the lead in providing an introduction to the business side of the entertainment industry to middle- and high-school aged artists and their parents, empowering them to make more educated and profitable business decisions.
A few of her most notable clients have been: Grammy winner and Jazz saxophonist David Sanchez; Marketing Opportunities in Business and Entertainment (MOBE); HillFest; Music Educator/Executive Director of the Jazz Arts Institute, Davey Yarborough; and Musicians Michael Bowie and Manny Kellough. Under the Tone Deaf Entertainment banner, Stacey was instrumental in the start-up and business development of the $2.5M Festivals DC and its flagship project the $1.5M week-long Duke Ellington Jazz Festival (re-branded as the DC Jazz Festival).